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The Lantern April 2023

Aric Campling

The Lantern

Dunn Loring Woods Civic Association April 2023


President’s Message

Steve Bergeron

Greetings everyone! I hope all is well and enjoying the warmer, but windy, spring weather! We’re continuing our Annual Scholarship Competition and are expanding the applicant pool to include those interested in pursuing vocational training at trade schools. See the article and get your applications in as soon as possible. Also, the Stenwood PTA 5K and Fun Run is coming up on April 23rd, along with our Spring Membership Meeting, tentatively scheduled for May 16th, and our Annual Yard Sale on May 20th (see articles).

Thank you to all of you who provided input on going electronic with our communications. We can discuss this issue more at our meeting. And thank you to all our volunteers for your time and effort, and particularly to Wendy Taylor, who makes this Lantern happen. You are all much appreciated!


Annual Yard Sale

The annual yard sale is planned for Saturday, May 20 (rain date Sunday, May 21) from 8AM-2PM. Announcements will be placed in local newspapers and on social media and signs will be placed at entrances to both communities. More information will be coming, so stay tuned to our website!


Spring Membership Meeting

Our annual Spring Membership Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, May 16, 2023, beginning at 7:30 pm. Please mark this date on your calendar and keep an eye on our website for confirmation and more details on location.


Gallows Road Corridor Study Update

Ken Quincy

The initiation of this study was covered in the last edition of The Lantern. Since then the stakeholder group that was established, which includes the DLWCA representing DLW, held its first meeting. The time line for this project begins in spring 2023 and will run through summer 2023 (establish goals and objectives, collection of data and study existing conditions); fall and winter 2023 (study future conditions); spring 2024 (study a preferred concept and assess conceptual plans including cost and schedule); and summer/fall 2024 (final report and comprehensive plan). During this time period there will be public meetings on the project and public comments will be solicited. Pertinent updates will be reported in The Lantern and on the DLWCA website.


Dunn Loring Woods Scholarship

Children and grandchildren currently living with a Dunn Loring Woods resident are encouraged to apply for this scholarship. Applicants can be high school seniors planning to attend college full-time in the Fall 2023, as well as individuals interested in pursuing vocational education such as through trade schools. The scholarship’s value is $1,000. All applications must be postmarked by April 21, 2023.

Applicants must provide the following:

  • Written recommendation or character reference from a teacher, counselor, or member of our community

  • Copies of entrance examination scores, if applicable

  • List of awards and/or community service activities on a separate page with descriptions not to exceed one page total

  • One picture of applicant

  • A typed, one-page statement on the topic "Describe something you have done in the past year that has made a difference in your community"

The top five candidates may be invited for an interview.

We plan to announce the winner(s) in May. Winners’ names and pictures will be featured in the June Lantern and on our website.

Please mail all materials in one package to Dunn Loring Woods Civic Association, Attention Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 238, Dunn Loring, VA 22027.


Please send submissions, ideas for articles, and photos to

The deadline for our next issue is April 23.



President—Steve Bergeron

1st Vice President—Iman Butler

2nd Vice President—Frank Piazza

Treasurer—Steve Dirkse

Secretary—Rae Schoffstall

Director (1 year)—Jo Ann Donnelly

Director (2 years)—Eleanor McCann

Director (3 years)—Ken Quincy


Neighborhood Watch—Adam Nowaczyk

Membership Chair—Aric Campling

Island Care Chair—Jo Ann Donnelly

Hospitality—Jo Ann Donnelly

Editor, The Lantern—Wendy Lieberman Taylor

Lantern Distribution Coordinator—Jo Ann Donnelly


You can contact the Webmaster at With comments, suggestions, and questions. Thank you!

Your Local, Friendly DLWCA Webmaster

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