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Aric Campling

The Lantern December 2023

The Lantern

Dunn Loring Woods Civic Association December 2023


President’s Message

Steve Bergeron

Greetings Everyone! I hope all is well and that you and your families had a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving and are looking forward to the Holiday Season! Our annual Holiday Decoration Contest is about to begin, so break out your decorations and let’s make Dunn Loring Woods shine with our Holiday Spirit! Thank you to all of our volunteers, and on behalf of the Dunn Loring Woods Civic Association Board, have a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy and Safe New Year!


Annual Holiday Decoration Contest

Steve Bergeron

What’s the best way to spread holiday cheer?! Decorate your house/lawn for all to see! Don’t forget our annual Holiday Decoration contest is coming up, with prizes for the top three vote-getters! So break out your lights, door/window decor, and lawn ornaments, and let’s make this the most festive holiday season that Dunn Loring Woods has ever seen!

Make sure to take a walk or two around the Community to spread some cheer and to see your Neighbors’ Holiday Spirit! Then send in your votes (by address) for First Place, Second Place, and Third Place to

Thank you and Happy Holidays!


2023-2024 Membership Drive

Maryann Gallagher

BIG THANK YOU to the following 21 neighborhood volunteers who collected dues for this year’s membership drive:

Dana Granville

JoAnn Donnelly

Giancarlo Matis

Maryann Gallagher

Margaret Murphy

Steve Ni

Jennifer Himmel

Carole Mullarkey

Jennifer Koshute

Darla Haney

Kathy Schneider

Chris Gieseler

Rachel Thompson

Benita Wong

Ken Quincy

Andrea Huggins

Miao Yang

Courtney Peksens

Mary Wheeler

Becky Perez

Tamara Teslovich

Many of these volunteers have been collecting for years and continue to volunteer for this worthwhile effort! We owe them a big applause! It has been a wonderful experience meeting and working with all of you and I look forward to working with you again next year. Thank you all so very much for helping the Dunn Loring community!

Please consider volunteering next year to help collect the dues. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet your new neighbors and to say hello to old neighbors.

We encourage all residents—owners and renters—to contribute to our community. Didn’t contribute yet? Don’t worry… there is still time to send your $20 membership dues to:

DLWCA Membership

2631 DePaul Drive, Vienna, VA 22180


DLWCA Volunteer Opportunities

If you would like to volunteer to help out your local community, we have openings for a Neighborhood Watch coordinator, a community Yard Sale coordinator, and a permanent Editor for this newsletter, The Lantern. In addition, all volunteer teams can use your support. If you are interested in volunteering, here is some additional information. For contact information, please email

Entrance Islands: Jo Ann Donnelly

This group keeps the three entrance islands attractive for our community. We need volunteers to help maintain the islands with weeding, mulching, replacing plants, and adding new and colorful plants.

Membership Drive: Aric Campling, Maryann Gallagher

Block Captains are volunteer dues collectors who canvass their neighborhoods and ask their neighbors to join the DLWCA, collect dues and membership information, and return the collections to the Membership Drive Coordinators.

Scholarship: Ken Quincy

High School Seniors whose parents are residents of DLWCA may apply for a scholarship, which is awarded in May. Volunteers are needed to review the application and interview the students.

The Lantern Newsletter: Aric Campling (interim)

The Lantern is looking for a new Editor!

This newsletter is published monthly. The Editor sets deadlines, collects articles, formats the newsletter, and sends the PDF to the community email list and to the Board for printing.

If you have an article to share, please email the Editor for submission information. We are always looking for Residents to contribute articles.

Lantern Delivery Volunteer: Jo Ann Donnelly

Volunteers are always needed to deliver the Lantern to their neighbors monthly. Substitutes are always needed to help when the regular delivery person is unavailable. High School Students who need Civic hours can reach out to volunteer.

Edward P. Day Award: Steve Bergeron

Awarded annually to a member who has demonstrated strong citizenship of volunteering for the Dunn Loring Woods Community. Any resident can nominate a resident who has devoted his or her volunteer time to make our DLW a great neighborhood to call home.

4th of July Flags: Iman Butler

Flags are placed by volunteers on the traffic islands and in front of every home for July 4th.

Annual Yard Sale: Volunteer coordinator needed! Steve Bergeron

The Yard Sale usually takes place in May. Committee members communicate, place a Community Yard Sale notice in several of the local newspapers to ensure a good turnout, and place signs on the three entrance islands on the day of the Yard Sale.

Neighborhood Watch: Volunteer coordinator needed!

Keep an eye out for your neighbors and work with local police to help keep Dunn Loring Woods safe.


Supervisor Highlights

Via Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik’s November 9th Newsletter

Providence District Winter Gear Drive

[Palchik’s] office will collect winter gear of all sizes beginning Monday, November 27th to benefit the Committee for Helping Others, Fairfax F.I.S.H., Second Story, and the Lamb Center.

Metro Express Newsletter

Metro has launched a new newsletter to give customers the “latest and greatest on new initiatives, behind-the-scenes info, and other fun facts.” To sign up visit:


New resident / renter? Check out

for important info, and welcome!


The Lantern is a great place to share news about our community and the people in it.

Please send submissions, photos, and ideas for articles to

The deadline for the January 2024 Lantern is December 15, 2023.



President: Steve Bergeron

1st Vice President: Iman Butler

2nd Vice President: Vacant

Treasurer: Frank Gallagher

Secretary: Rae Schoffstall

Director (1 Year): Nathan Anthony

Director (2 Year): Ken Quincy

Director (3 Year): Jo Ann Donnelly


Neighborhood Watch—vacant Membership Chair—Aric Campling Membership Collectors—Maryann Gallagher Island Care Chair—Jo Ann Donnelly Hospitality—Jo Ann Donnelly Independence Day Flags—Iman Butler

Editor, The Lantern—Aric Campling (interim)

The Lantern distribution coordinator—Jo Ann Donnelly


You can contact the Webmaster at With comments, suggestions, and questions. Thank you!

Your Local, Friendly DLWCA Webmaster

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