From the Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, Jeffrey McKay:
In the section below I have listed multiple resources to monitor conditions and report outages or other problems that can occur during severe weather. Please feel free to save or print this and have it handy.
Additionally, you can also prepare by making sure your car is stocked up with all of the necessary items. Consider having on hand an ice scraper, blanket, shovel, cell phone charger, and flashlight, all of which could drastically change your situation for the better in the case of a winter weather emergency. Knowing what materials are needed may be a bit challenging, so if you’re looking for ideas on what you should keep in your car during the winter months, check out Winter Weather Travel Kit - Travel | Virginia Department of Transportation ( for a full list and safety tips. Keeping your car fully stocked is only half of it! You need to also make sure you’re practicing safe driving. Driving in winter weather presents a whole new set of challenges, and it’s necessary to remind ourselves of the best driving practices. For example, planning out your route ahead of time, making sure your car is clear of any snow or ice, and driving slower! You can read more about winter driving here: Winter Weather Driving Tips: Prepare Your Vehicle | NHTSA. Stay safe, avoid driving when conditions are slippery if possible, leave plenty of room for snowplows, clear your mailboxes, and keep warm!
Stay safe and let the plows do their work!

Winter Weather Resources  Below please find a variety of resources to monitor conditions and report outages or other instances occurring from severe weather:
For the latest snow information:
You can follow Fairfax County Government, Fairfax County's Office of Emergency Management, and VDOT Northern Virginia on Twitter.
You can sign up for Fairfax County Emergency Alerts here.
Follow the Fairfax County Emergency Blog here.
For questions about snow removal, shoveling, or other winter weather related questions, visit the County's snow webpage here.
In case a tree is downed you can visit here.
VDOT/The roads
VDOT owns the majority of roads in Fairfax County and they are in charge of plowing them.
To report hazardous road conditions, call VDOT’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-367-7623 or visit online.
Road conditions can be tracked here.
Plow locations and status can be tracked here.
Fairfax County Police
For Emergencies, dial 911
For Non-Emergencies 703-691-2131, TTY 703-204-2264
Public Schools
Fairfax County Public School updates can be found here.
Power outages
Dominion: Report a power outage online here or call 1-866-366-4357.
NOVEC: Report a power outage online here or call 703-335-0500.
Report other utility problems:
Hypothermia Shelters: If you see someone who is unsheltered and you think they are at risk of hypothermia, call the County’s non-emergency police phone number: 703-691-2131.
Hypothermia Prevention for Pets: Be sure your pet is warm and has adequate care and shelter. Adequate shelter requires that the shelter:
Be suitable for the species, age, condition, size, and type of each animal.
Provide adequate space for each animal.
Be safe and protect each animal from injury during rain, sleet, snow, and ice.
Protect each animal from adverse effects of heat or cold and physical suffering.
Protect each animal from impairment of health.
Be properly lighted and properly cleaned.
Enables each animal to be clean and dry, except when detrimental to the species.
Provide a solid surface, resting platform, pad, floormat, or similar device that is large enough.