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Catalytic Converter Theft and Security

Aric Campling

Hello, Neighbors,

Sometime during the night of Monday, Aug. 22 or early morning Tuesday, Aug. 23 the catalytic converter on a car belonging to a resident on Carnegie Dr. was stolen. This and other crimes are a rarity in DLW, but it happens. The theft was reported to police who are investigating. Catalytic converters contain valuable materials for which there is a ready market, which makes them attractive for thefts. The most targeted cars for these thefts are Toyota Prius and Tacoma, Lexus SUV, and Honda Accord. However, other brands have also been subject to catalytic converter theft.

There are preventative measures that can be taken on the car which can be discussed with who services the car. Additionally, park in a well lighted area, if possible, and be aware of any vehicles and individuals not normally seen in the neighborhood, especially at night. Report any suspicious persons, vehicles or activities to the police.

From the Fairfax County Police Department:

Car making a weird noise all of a sudden? While it could be many things, one cause that’s easy to spot is right underneath your vehicle, the catalytic converter. If you’ve never looked for your catalytic converter before, the below pictures may help you identify what it looks like.

Catalytic converters are necessary to make your vehicle run properly. Fairfax County has over 360 reported catalytic converter thefts in 2021. While our officers remain dedicated to keeping Fairfax County one of the safest jurisdictions of its size, we need your help! Consider these safety tips to help prevent catalytic converter thefts:

  • When possible, park your vehicle in a garage or secured area

  • If a garage isn’t an option, park in a well-lit area

  • Install a motion activated dashcam system

  • Install a commercial catalytic theft prevention device

  • Mark your vehicle identification number (VIN) on the converter with a UV pen, VIN etching or high temperature paint

  • Report suspicious activity

While catalytic converter thefts are difficult to prevent, these simple steps can be used to deter a criminal. If you believe your catalytic converter was stolen or see someone you believe is trying to steal a catalytic converter, call our non-emergency line at 703-691-2131.

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