The Lantern
Dunn Loring Woods Civic Association dlwca.org Aug/Sept 2023
President’s Message
Steve Bergeron
Greetings everyone! I hope all is well, that you had a good Summer and that the kids are settling back into school. We are looking forward to our Fall Membership Meeting, which will take place on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 7:30 pm. Please see the article inside for more details. At the meeting, we will discuss and approve a budget for the year, and discuss our Annual Scholarship Award and the Edward P. Day Citizenship Award. Our annual Membership drive will begin soon.
Thanks to all of our volunteers and I hope to see you soon!
Membership Dues Update
Steve Bergeron
In light of the increasing costs and expenses for the Association, the Membership voted in the Spring to increase the amount of the annual dues to $20. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and greatly appreciate your contributions and participation, without which this Association could not fulfill its purpose. Thank you for all you do!
As the membership drive starts soon, keep in mind all the ways the board uses the dues collected. These include the DLWCA directory, annual DLWCA scholarships, holiday decorating awards, maintenance of the traffic islands, advertising for the annual community yard sale, and the Edward P. Day award for noteworthy volunteers.
Dunn Loring Picnic
Ken Quincy
DLWCA members and their families are invited to the Dunn Loring Improvement Association (DLIA) picnic to be held Sunday, October 1, 2023 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the W&OD Trail and Sandburg St. A variety of food and beverages will be provided. Folks will have an opportunity to talk with their standing representatives and Nov. 7 candidates for office. It also affords an opportunity to become better acquainted with our neighbors across Gallows Rd. DLWCA and DLIA have cooperatively worked on a number of issues and projects involving our respective communities, including County and VDOT efforts involving Gallows Rd., I-66 and W&OD changes and proposed changes, to mention a few.
Fall Membership Meeting
Steve Bergeron
We are looking forward to our Fall Membership Meeting which will be in-person on Tuesday, September 26th at 7:30 pm in the Cafeteria at Stenwood Elementary School. Please mark the date on your calendar and we’ll see you there!
Membership Dues Collectors Needed
Maryann Gallagher
Hello! I’m the coordinator for the annual DLWCA membership dues collectors. The drive runs from September 15 to October 31. That’s approximately seven weeks to walk around your neighborhood and enjoy the beautiful gardens, get some exercise and fresh air, and help your community!
The following neighborhoods need a volunteer collector. If you are interested, please contact Maryann Gallagher at 793-599-0152.
8600-8613 Antioch Circle
8400-8411 Berea Ct
2629-2636 Bowdoin Circle
2700-2714 Bowling Green Drive
2605 Cedar Lane
8214-8226 Colby Court
8300-8318 Colby Street
8200-8213 Cottage Street
8214-8225 Cottage Street
8301-8312 Cottage Street
8314-8328 Cottage Street
8405-8429 Cottage Street
2539-2544 Marymount Lane
2540-2546 Villanova Court

James Edward Dunne, Sr.
April 3, 1930-June 9, 2023
The Dunne family is very sad to announce the passing of their beloved patriarch, James Edward Dunne, Sr., who left us on Friday, June 9, 2023. Jim/Papa lived a long, happy, full life of 93 years and we are all grateful that our merciful God has brought him home. He is survived by his loving and patient wife of 65 years, Geraldine “Gerry/Gigi” Marie Dunne (nee Goss), and his six children, James Edward Dunne, Jr. (Julie), Denise Carson (Chris), Kathleen Dunne-Mason, Michael Dunne (Michelle), Courtney Swart (Jay) and Regina Smith (Kim). He leaves behind 19 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren, whose frequent visits to see Papa were the joy of his life. We were grateful that we were all able to be with him at the end of his journey.
He was a frugal but generous man who sacrificed the superficial amenities in life to make sure all six of his children received a Catholic School education and a college degree. His deep faith, moral integrity, and unwavering dedication to loving his wife have set an example for all who knew him on how to live life with respect, honesty, and the moral tenets of his Catholic faith. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to St. Jude's Children's Hospital in his name. May he rest in peace.
DLWCA Edward P. Day Citizenship Award
Steve Bergeron
Annually at the DLWCA Fall Membership Meeting the DLW-Edward P. Day Citizenship Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated leadership in and significant non-monetary contributions to activities that benefit DLW, as well as the community outside DLW, and presents a role model for other DLW residents and their families. We are now soliciting nominations for the award.
Nominees shall, or shall have been, a DLW resident during the period of service on which the nomination is based. Nominations may be accepted for two or more persons who cooperate in a single contribution. Posthumous nominations will be accepted. Paid services or contributions/services as an elected or appointed official of a government or quasi-government agency are not eligible for the award.
Nominations should be submitted in writing to the DLWCA Board of Directors c/o Selection Committee Chairman Frank Piazza, 8324 Syracuse Cr., Vienna, VA 22180, or by e-mail to Steve Bergeron at stevenbergeron@hotmail.com. You may contact any Board member for further information on this award and criteria.
There are DLW residents who have and are doing some great things for the DLW community and beyond and deserve due recognition from our community. If you know such an individual(s) please submit a nomination. The more nominations the better!
The Lantern is a great place to share news about our community and the people in it.
Please send submissions, photos, and ideas for articles to dlwlantern@gmail.com.
The deadline for the October 2023 Lantern is September 23, 2023.
President: Steve Bergeron
1st Vice President: Iman Butler
2nd Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Frank Gallagher
Secretary: Rae Schoffstall
Director (1 Year): Nathan Anthony
Director (2 Year): Ken Quincy
Director (3 Year): Jo Ann Donnelly
Neighborhood Watch—Adam Nowaczyk
Membership Chair—Aric Campling
Island Care Chair—Jo Ann Donnelly
Hospitality—Jo Ann Donnelly
Editor, The Lantern—Aric Campling (interim)
Lantern Distribution Coordinator—Jo Ann Donnelly
You can contact the Webmaster at dlwcawebmaster@gmail.com. With comments, suggestions, and questions. Thank you!
Your Local, Friendly DLWCA Webmaster