The Lantern
Dunn Loring Woods Civic Association dlwca.org March 2023
President’s Message
Steve Bergeron
Greetings everyone! I hope all is well, that you are enjoying the vacillating weather Punxsutawney Phil sent us, and that you’re looking forward to spring!
We’re continuing our Annual Scholarship Program beginning this month, and we are expanding the applicant pool to include those community members interested in pursuing vocational training at trade schools. The Stenwood PTA 5K and Fun Run is coming up in April and our Spring Membership Meeting is tentatively scheduled for May (see articles). Finally, given rising costs and decreasing membership revenue, our communications will need to go electronic.
Please see the article for more details and how to provide input.
I’d like to thank all of you who generously donated to our association as part of our Annual Membership Drive and thank you also to all our volunteers for all of your time and effort!
We Need to Go Green/Electronic
Steve Bergeron
In the past, DLWCA’s communications, like The Lantern and our directory, have been provided to members in print form. Rising costs and decreasing membership revenue, however, have made this financially unsustainable over the long term. The board is considering options for moving some, or all, of our communications online (to our website and social media platforms) and to e-mail.
Options for The Lantern include posting it on the website, as we do now, and sending it by e-mail attachment. Options for the directory might include listing the neighborhood directory in a private section on our website that can only be accessed by members of our community.
We are also considering options for our community advertisers to promote their businesses on our electronic platforms rather than in a print directory. We would like to hear your thoughts and ask that you contact Steve Bergeron at stevenbergeron@hotmail.com or Ken Quincy at ken_quincy@hotmail.com.
Gallows Road Corridor Study
The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) is ready to review uses of and concerns about Gallows Road. This is a long-awaited and exciting opportunity to study Gallows from the perspective of transportation and multimodality.
This study and outreach process will involve meetings with a stakeholder group, including HOAs, faith communities, schools, and other groups to gain as much public input as possible. The DLWCA will be participating in this effort for our community.
While the stakeholder group will be limited with a goal of balancing geographic representation around Gallows, all meetings will be public with opportunities for comment.
Addressing School Traffic and Pedestrian Safety
According to our district representative to the Fairfax County School Board, in February the board unanimously approved a proposal directing Superintendent Michelle Reid to develop an annually updated School Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Assessment Program.
This proposal is the first step in developing an annual comprehensive plan to prioritize and address these concerns.
The new program will include potential mitigation strategies, an equitable queue of schools with the most pressing needs, implementation timelines, and an update on pending, current, and recently completed remediation projects.
Stenwood PTA 5k Race and 1-Mile Fun Run
The annual Stenwood Elementary School PTA 5K Race and 1-Mile Fun Run will be held on April 23, 2023. Last year’s race was a huge success, with over 360 runners registered and many other neighbors, friends, and family that joined to cheer them on. So lace up your running shoes and come on out for a great time! Please keep an eye on our website or contact the Stenwood PTA for more information on how to register.
Spring Membership Meeting
Our annual Spring Membership Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, May 16, 2023, beginning at 7:30 pm.
Please mark this date on your calendar and keep an eye on our website for confirmation and more details on location.
Dunn Loring Woods Scholarship
Children and grandchildren currently living with a Dunn Loring Woods resident are encouraged to apply for this scholarship. Applicants can be high school seniors planning to attend college full-time in the Fall 2023, as well as individuals interested in pursuing vocational education such as through trade schools. The scholarship’s value is $1,000. All applications must be postmarked by April 21, 2023.
Applicants must provide the following:
Written recommendation or character reference from a teacher, counselor, or member of our community
Copies of entrance examination scores, if applicable
List of awards and/or community service activities on a separate page with descriptions not to exceed one page total
One picture of applicant
A typed, one-page statement on the topic "Describe something you have done in the past year that has made a difference in your community"
The top five candidates may be invited for an interview.
We plan to announce the winner(s) in May. Winners’ names and pictures will be featured in the June Lantern and on our website.
Please mail all materials in one package to Dunn Loring Woods Civic Association, Attention Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 238, Dunn Loring, VA 22027.
Free Income Tax Return Help
The AARP, in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service, provides free Federal and Virginia state income tax return preparation and electronic filing for low-income and middle-income taxpayers with special attention to those age 50 and older. Tax counselors are trained and certified in most types of individual tax returns. However, taxpayers with complex returns will be advised to seek paid professional tax assistance.
For further information on the program and to find in-person sites call 1-888- 227-7669 or visit the website www. novataxaide.org.
Family Events at Udvar-Hazy Center
Did you know that the Air and Space Museum’s annex in Chantilly holds child-focused events on specialty topics? The program is called Soar Together Family Day. Entry is always free, but there is a parking fee of $15 per car. Reservations on are requested for planning purposes and can be made at the website: https://airandspace.si.edu/event-series/soar-together-air-and-space.
On March 10 and 11, the theme is Messages in the Sky, which will look at ways aircraft are used to deliver messages to folks on the ground. Activities include demonstrations, hands-on activities, and conversations with experts.
In addition, Udvar-Hazy presents online story times, like March’s reading of Dinosoaring and April’s Hare and Tortoise Race to the Moon. Visit https://airandspace.si.edu/whats-on/events/story-time-dinosoaring for details and registration.
Vienna Photo Show
The Town of Vienna is hosting a photography show on Saturday, March 18. from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Vienna Community center. The show and competition are open to metropolitan area amateur photographers with an entry fee of $10 per person.
Entries are limited to three photos with a maximum of two photos in any one category, with separate categories for middle and high school students.
Ribbons will be awarded in seven categories: nature, pictorial, scenic, architecture, photojournalism, and portraiture.
For questions or more information or to download an application, visit www.viennava.gov/photo or contact Lily Widman at lily.widman@viennava.gov. Applications are also available at the Vienna Community Center front desk.
Be a Good Neighbor
When the weather is windy, please ensure that your trash and recycling are secure. It’s never fun to clean up someone else’s loose cardboard or yard waste from one’s own yard. Thanks!
Please send submissions, ideas for articles, and photos to dlwlantern@gmail.com.
The deadline for our next issue is March 23.
President—Steve Bergeron
1st Vice President—Iman Butler
2nd Vice President—Frank Piazza
Treasurer—Steve Dirkse
Secretary—Rae Schoffstall
Director (1 year)—Jo Ann Donnelly
Director (2 years)—Eleanor McCann
Director (3 years)—Ken Quincy
Neighborhood Watch—Adam Nowaczyk
Membership Chair—Aric Campling
Island Care Chair—Jo Ann Donnelly
Hospitality—Jo Ann Donnelly
Editor, The Lantern—Wendy Lieberman Taylor
Lantern Distribution Coordinator—Jo Ann Donnelly
You can contact the Webmaster at dlwcawebmaster@gmail.com. With comments, suggestions, and questions. Thank you!
Your Local, Friendly DLWCA Webmaster